From this image I can see that the type of genre this film is in is fantasy, the reason I would say it is fantasy is from the colours, themes, characters, and the background. The overall look of this film poster is mostly positive, I can say this as the colours are bright and eye catching, the fact that they are bright means positive because most things that are described as bright are not threating or dark but happy and exciting. The colours have been purposely made this bright so as to make every little thing stand out such as the flowers at the front which usually most people wouldn't see but because they're so bright and bold it brings them out. The colour is bold at the front but as you get to the background the colour starts to fade off, this could show the mystery in the film or even give a clue is to what is to come later on, although it is faded and at the back it doesn't take away the importance it actually adds. Another way mystery is shown is through the design of the trees, they give off a creepy but very arty look, this lets us know that even though there's bright colours and flowers there may be another side to the story that is lurking in the corner and the tree is to the side of the shot. The characters are a big part in this shot to giving the theme of fantasy as we are presented with one girl who looks very clueless, a rabbit dressed in clothes and standing in a human way and then one man who looks mad as he has big bright orange hair with a rather quirky fashion sense. The girl in blue looks as if she is confused or in a trance, she is looking out at something which makes us think into what she could be looking at beyond what we are seeing, this gives off the theme of mystery. The next two characters are massive points in the shot and could be the main reason why this film poster would give the impression of fantasy. First is the rabbit, although it looks like a rabbit the way it is standing and the fact it is dressed lets us know that something isn't right with it, a normal rabbit would never be seen like this and they way the rabbit is seen as so human could also mean that this rabbit could have other human qualities such as speech. As this is far from realistic it really points to the theme of make believe and fantasy. The next character again shows the theme of fantasy as he has been dressed and covered in make up to show that he is mad, and the fact that there is a mad man in the woods with a very human like rabbit with a confused girl with strange trees and a big faded castle we can see that this film poster is definitely trying to show that this film is fantasy as everything in this shot is far from the everyday norm.
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